Champion of Champions – First success for Alex

We had a reasonable field of 34 ‘fit’ players, but with an unfortunate Ed Perrott having to withdraw, more or less at the last minute, having tripped and twisted his ankle the night before. The Course was presented in really excellent condition, very well prepared and defined by Stuart and Alex but with some ‘fair but fiendish’ pin positions! Most notably, perhaps, on The Dell – where there wasn’t one ‘two’ recorded all day!

Alex Crook emerged as our new Champion, recording a superb score of a nett 64 – and it could have been even more stellar if he had not been unfortunate enough to record a ‘6’ on the eighteenth. A great round nonetheless, leaving Alex three shots clear of both Ian Burrows and Mike Freeman, and deservedly earning a reduction in his handicap to 12, as he targets single figures by the end of the Season. Congratulations from us all Alex! Well played!

It is of course ‘tough at the top’ – and both Ian Burrows and Mike Freeman also played some terrific golf, playing off single figures themselves, with the course set up to its most demanding level. Mike returned straight ‘4s’ over the first ten holes on the card! And had a staggering 16 ‘4’s’ in all, to return a nett 67. Ian, too, scored a splendid nett 67, including a ‘3’ on the 17th! In the event, Ian just ‘edged’ Mike into third place on ‘card count back’. Again, very well played to them both! Great golf on a tough set-up!

There were also ‘stand out’ performances from Barry Hayers and Bob Bruton and a great score by Marilyn Carter who finished her own round in some of the worst conditions of the afternoon. Again, very well played to each of them! After the scoring, the Men’s Captain, Tony Cooke supported by his ‘Vice’, Peter Hope, first presented a bouquet of flowers and gift vouchers to Heather and then presented all the Trophies and Prize Vouchers to the Winners and Runners-up of the Season’s various competitions.